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Oh No They Didn't! | Oh No They Didn't! - | |
Miley stan? Join's birthday project. Oct 28th 2011, 21:30
This year, for Miley's 19th birthday we teamed up with the Starkey Hearing Foundation to raise money for their amazing cause. Starkey Hearing Foundation is an organization which Miley loves and supports, a lot. We are asking to raise a total of $1,000 before Miley's birthday (November 23rd) ! If you could donate anywhere from $5 to $100, it would be greatly appreciated.
DONATORS!: All donators will be able to send a Happy Birthday message to Miley which will be put onto a special birthday page, along with your names. On November 23rd, we will send Miley the page of donators, and their messages! If you donated, a thank you message will pop up under your receipt. That will tell you how to send your birthday message to Miley! If you donate 20$ or more, you'll be automatically entered to win aCant Be Tamed CD, HAND-SIGNED by Miley Cyrus! We will not see ANY of your personal information. All donations are sent to the Starkey Hearing Foundation directly!
Miley has gone on two missions with the Starkey Hearing Foundation to Haiti to aid citizens who have lost their hearing. Miley even tweeted us saying, "thank you for supporting @starkeyhearing =] they make magic!" About the Starkey Hearing Foundation Source Hopefully some of you can donate :) | |