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Kerry Washington joins Tarantino's Django Unchained Oct 26th 2011, 16:44  Deadline are reporting that Kerry Washington has landed the role of Broomhilda in Quentin Tarantino's next film 'Django Unchained,' a Sergio Leone inspired spaghetti western. Washington will play the long-suffering slave wife of Django (Jamie Foxx), a slave who is liberated and taught the tricks of the trade by a German bounty hunter (Christoph Waltz). Django's real desire is to be reunited with his wife, who winds up in a variety of unsavory places and whose travails drive the plot. It leads to a confrontation in Candyland, a ranch owned by the notorious Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio). 'Django Unchained' also stars Tarantino regular Samuel L. Jackson, who will play the role of Rodney, Calvin Candie's valet who keeps the slaves in line at Candie's residence. The slave is an expert manipulator and will face off with Django. The likes of Gerald McRaney, Dennis Christopher, Kurt Russell, Laura Cayouette, Laura Cayouette, Tom Savini, M.C. Gainey, Don Johnson and possibly Joseph Gordon-Levitt will co-star. The film will pay homage to the Sergio Corbucci original 'Django,' Takashi Miike's 'Sukiyaki Western Django,' which features Tarantino, and Elmore Leonard's novel '40 Lashes Less One.' My hopes are ridiculously high for this film! Tarantino + spaghetti western = YES PLEASE! The film has been set for a Christmas Day 2012 release date by the Weinstein Company. source | |