Jessica Chastain by Alex Sainsbury for Asos Magazine
On her first (debatable) red carpet appearance at Cannes for "The Tree of Life: "[Brad Pitt and Sean Penn were] the best accessories I could have asked for to go with
that dress."
On filming "The Help": "Filming that was like being at summer camp, we were all in this small town – Greenwood, Mississippi – so we would work all day, then go and eat because we had to gain weight. It's a strange thing – it's really fun because it means you get to eat a lot and you don't have to worry about working out, but it also means that all of your clothes get too tight. I had one really large pair of cut-off jeans that I wore all the time.
But there's something really sensual about being heavier, you feel like a painter's muse." A Juilliard graduate dedicated to her craft: "I'm not in it for the fame or money. 'A lot of my childhood [she grew up just outside San Francisco] we were very, very poor. I've experienced that. It's tough, but I can get through it.
I could be very happy working Off-Broadway in theatre for the rest of my life as long as I was acting – that's what makes me happy." On being a flawless redhead: "I got teased a lot when I was a little kid, [b]ullied for being a redhead." Internet haters (omg smh if ppl hating on jc exist): "People writing mean things on message boards.
There is this anonymous bullying that happens, people feel that they can say mean, mean things. The bullying aspect coming back is really shocking and strange. My mum told me I'm not allowed to look any more. She said, 'From now on, I will look and I will let you know if there's something you need to address, but it's not healthy.' And she's right. It's not healthy for me to look at mean things people say.
Of course I care what other people think, but there's an acceptance that I have no control over it."