Post includes Info on the warrior dvd release and also the love for hardy in hollywood at the moment! A list of fellow actors praising the talented actor:
[Mickey Rourke] when asked to rate young actors mentioned Hardy: “There are a few guys,” he said. “I mean, I like the two actors in Warrior, the Australian kid (Joel Edgerton) and Tom Hardy (from England). “Who do we have here (in North America)? Ryan Gosling and Shia LaBeouf - that’s a joke.” [John Hurt] has also starred in films with some of the best young UK actors around – most notably Tom Hardy and Sherlock’s Benedict Cumberbatch in Tomas Alfredson’s Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. He reveals: “I didn’t get to meet Tom (Hardy) on set as we were never in any scenes together but I was very impressed. I adore him. He’s the sweetest man and hugely talented.” [Gary Oldman talks about his soon to be husband] You’re in three movies in a row with Tom Hardy - Tinker Tailor and next The Wettest County and The Dark Knight Rises. Do you see something of yourself in him?
He says he’s a fan. Been a fan. Yeah, I can see a bit of me in Tom. He’s got a lot of great things going for him too. I think he’s incredibly charismatic and beautiful and he’s got a great talent too. It’s quite a cocktail. Not everyone has that. But he’s beautiful, like Paul Newman. He’s got that aliveness, like raw meat.
Warrior Blu-Ray And DVD Release: WARRIOR WILL BE RELEASED ON 20th DECEMBER so you can all go out and buy it. The perfect christmas presents tbh, make sure to get four copies one for you, two for your family and friends, and one for those charity cases with no taste
BLU-RAY DISC/DVD SPECIAL FEATURES Audio commentary with Director Gavin O’Connor, writer Anthony Tambakis and actor Joel Edgerton “Redemption: Bringing Warrior To Life” Documentary “Philosophy In Combat: Mixed Martial Arts Strategy” Simply Believe: A Tribute to Charles “Mask” Lewis, Jr. Cheap Shots: Gag Reel Brother vs. Brother: Anatomy Of The Fight The Diner: Deleted Scene with Tom Hardy and Nick Nolte (with optional commentary) Full Contact: Blu-ray Enhanced Viewing Mode -- An in-depth original and personal look at the film with the cast and crew (BLU-RAY EXCLUSIVE FEATURE) Select Scene On Camera Commentary : With Filmmakers and Nick Nolte (DVD EXCLUSIVE FEATURE)

So what hardy movies is ONTD excited for?
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