Oh No They Didn't!: Degrassi Post

Oh No They Didn't!
Oh No They Didn't! - LiveJournal.com
Degrassi Post
Nov 5th 2011, 00:44

...ology Interview with Cristine Prosperi and Annie Clark! -katie relationship drama in 11.5 -annie clark is an eclare fan (smart girl) -eclare stuff in 11.5 -imogen/fiona/eli best friends -imogen/fiona become very close -fiona gets a relationship...calm one (but not normal) -fiona gets in girl-drama for queen bee. holly j who? From the Editing Room: Image and video hosting by TinyPic Imogen and Fiona. Hope they date tbh! Image and video hosting by TinyPic don't know what's going on. he looks hot though. Image and video hosting by TinyPic adam and eli (looks like he got punched in both eyes). love their friendship so much. Image and video hosting by TinyPic This fug as van and plain Jane looking girl are joining Degrassi during the second half of season 11. From her FB: Image and video hosting by TinyPic Yay, more Clare. Never get enough of her<3 Hope she dumps LumberJake soon. Image and video hosting by TinyPic Nicholas Danks and Trevor Childs will be making regular appearances in the second half of season 11. There is no information on their characters yet but they are NOT lead characters. Danks will appear in 14 episodes though. lucky kid, gets to be on set pretty much just watching what goes on Sources: 123

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