Adventures in Grave Hunting by Lisa Burks

Adventures in Grave Hunting by Lisa Burks

Public Access to Whitney Houston's Grave Curtailed

Posted: 21 Feb 2012 07:51 AM PST

NBC New York was on scene at Fairview Cemetery yesteday and shot this b-roll of Whitney Houston's grave site, one day after she was buried there.

The news station also reported that fans began arriving to pay respects first thing yesterday morning. As the throngs grew, the cemetery closed off access due to concerns about the soft ground around the grave as well as the size of the crowds.

It looks like the cemetery is really working to try to accomodate the public, while taking necessary precautions as well as assuring that families of other interees get access to their loved ones' graves at this time. Not a small job. Kudos to them and Whitney's family for allowing this first attempt.

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Descriptions state she was laid to rest next to her father, John Russell Houston, Jr., but it appears that she's actually one off, a space between them that is presumably reserved for Mr. Houston's widow, Whitney's stepmother. Here are before and after pictures (credit Rex Features and Paul Zimmerman/Getty Images respectively):

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Unable to visit the Westfield, N.J., cemetery anytime in the near future? You can leave Whitney a virtual flower and note at her memorial page on in the meantime.