Healthy Hollywood: Get Movin’ Monday – Tips To A Smokin’ Hot Bod In 2012!

Healthy Hollywood: Get Movin' Monday – Tips To A Smokin' Hot Bod In 2012!

January 9, 2012

As a top-rated entertainment show, Access Hollywood has interviewed many (if not all) the world's most beautiful women. It rarely phases the camera guys when a gorgeous girl walks into our office for an interview – unless that gal happens to be Victoria's Secret model Marisa Miller.

Yes, she's undeniably beautiful, but for some reason, she makes the guys around here go absolutely crazy!

Not to crush the single guys out there, but she is happily married, but is still generous enough to share the secrets to getting her drool-worthy body in the January/February issue of Women's Health magazine. So, gals read on to be inspired to turn yourself into an object of men's fantasy in 2012! Why not, you deserve it!

"Act like you're confident and you'll get there," advises Marisa, who describes herself in Women's Health as "very shy" and "doesn't like to be the center of attention." Yet, as a top lingerie and swimsuit model, Marisa knows she needs to work hard to look this hot. "Eighty percent of the things I do are not natural for my personality. I believe you have to fake it till you make it."

Marisa's body is a sensation from head-to-toe, but she's known for her fantastic abs. The supermodel shares her favorite flat-belly moves in Women's Health.

1. Alternating Crunch:
"Working your obliques pulls everything together and gives you a slim waist," reveals Marisa. Her top move is alternating crunches, which are done by lying on your back with your hands behind your head, elbows out. Then, lift your legs to tabletop position, raise your shoulders off the ground, as you bring your left elbow to right knee. Repeat on other side.

2. Plank:
Hold the upper position of a push-up. Then, keeping your arms straight, back flat, and neck long, hold for up to 60 seconds. It's an excellent ab toner.

3. Leg Raises:
Lie on your back, arms at your side and then lift your legs until they're perpendicular to the floor. Keep legs as straight as possible and slowly lift your tailbone an inch off the floor. Reverse to return to start; repeat for one minute.

For more of Marisa's wellness tips, check out


Terri MacLeod is a Senior Field Producer for "Access Hollywood" and the author of the Healthy Hollywood column.

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