Healthy Hollywood: Fab Food Friday – Kristin Chenoweth’s Healthy High Notes!

Healthy Hollywood: Fab Food Friday – Kristin Chenoweth’s Healthy High Notes!

December 2, 2011

At just four-foot-eleven, Kristin Chenoweth is a pint-sized powerhouse. The actress, 43, has conquered Broadway and is ready for primetime with ABC’s new dramedy, “GCB.”

Despite her success, Kristin isn’t immune to health setbacks – just like the rest of us. The actress reveals in January’s Prevention magazine that she’s battled depression and Meniere’s disease, which is a disorder that causes extra congestion in the inner ear and often to leads to vertigo. “Anybody who has it knows that it’s life altering,” reveals the actress in Prevention. As result of her condition, she has to make adjustments to her diet, adding, “Salt is a big trigger – I have to a follow a low-sodium diet big time. I also avoid caffeine, chocolate, alcohol. The hardest thing is sleeping on an incline. I can’t sleep flat, because the head position affects the inner ear.”

Kristin’s has also battled depression, a condition she’s learned to cope without using medication. “I rely on therapy, counseling with my minister, talking with my mom. Spending time alone so I can hear what I need to hear. Going through it – how about that? Just going through it.”

“It’s the simple things in life that can help more than Vicodin,” reveals Kristin to Prevention. Healthy Hollywood gives two huge thumbs up to the actresses’ refusal to self-medicate – instead she deals with life on life’s terms. Way to go, girl!

For more on Kristin’s interview, check out the January issue of Prevention magazine or for nutrition-related tips head to

Terri MacLeod is a Senior Field Producer for “Access Hollywood” and the author of the Healthy Hollywood column.

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